/* ACM 573 The Snail * mythnc * 2011/12/14 13:48:31 * run time: 0.020 */ #include <stdio.h> void snail(int, int, double, double); int main(void) { double fatigue, up; int wall, down; while (scanf("%d %lf %d %lf", &wall, &up, &down, &fatigue) && wall != 0) { snail(wall, down, up, fatigue); } return 0; } void snail(int wall, int down, double up, double fa) { int day; double climb; /* init */ day = 1; climb = 0.0; fa = up * fa / 100; while (1) { /* day climb */ climb += up; if (climb > wall) { printf("success on day %d\n", day); return; } /* night fall */ climb -= down; if (climb < 0.0) { printf("failure on day %d\n", day); return; } up -= fa; /* if up come to non-positive */ if (up <= 0.0) { while (climb >= 0.0) { climb -= down; day++; } printf("failure on day %d\n", day); return; } /* another day */ day++; } }