邊界問題WA一次 orz。
/* ACM 118 Mutant Flatworld Explorers * mythnc * 2011/12/05 14:23:59 * run time: 0.008 */ #include <stdio.h> #define MAXCO 51 /* 0 to 50 */ #define MAXCHAR 101 #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 #define RANGE(X, Y) X >= 0 && X <= Y typedef struct robot { int row, col, dir; } Robot; int ctoi(char); int takeorder(Robot *, char *, int (*)[]); int changedir(int); void output(Robot); int row, col; int main(void) { int fall; int mark[MAXCO][MAXCO] = { FALSE }; char dir; char order[MAXCHAR]; Robot ro; scanf("%d %d", &col, &row); while (scanf("%d %d %c", &ro.col, &ro.row, &dir) == 3) { getchar(); /* eat newline */ scanf("%s", order); getchar(); /* eat newline */ ro.dir = ctoi(dir); fall = takeorder(&ro, order, mark); output(ro); if (fall) printf(" LOST"); putchar('\n'); } return 0; } /* coti: convert c to correspond int * and return it */ int ctoi(char c) { switch (c) { /* NESW <=> 0123 */ case 'N': return 0; case 'E': return 1; case 'S': return 2; case 'W': return 3; } } /* takeorder: take the order, * do the correspond action, * and return fall or not */ int takeorder(Robot *ro, char *order, int (*mark)[MAXCO]) { int i, fall, nextr, nextc; int movec[] = {0, 1, 0, -1}; int mover[] = {1, 0, -1, 0}; for (fall = FALSE, i = 0; order[i] != '\0'; i++) { switch (order[i]) { case 'R': ro->dir = changedir(ro->dir + 1); break; case 'L': ro->dir = changedir(ro->dir - 1); break; case 'F': nextr = ro->row + mover[ro->dir]; nextc = ro->col + movec[ro->dir]; if (RANGE(nextc, col) && RANGE(nextr, row)) { ro->col = nextc; ro->row = nextr; } else if (!mark[ro->row][ro->col]){ mark[ro->row][ro->col] = TRUE; fall = TRUE; } } if (fall) return fall; } return fall; } /* changedir: change the direction of ro */ int changedir(int dir) { if (dir > 3) return dir % 4; else if (dir < 0) return dir + 4; return dir; } /* output: the information of robot */ void output(Robot ro) { char s[] = "NESW"; printf("%d %d %c", ro.col, ro.row, s[ro.dir]); }