(1) 1的次數為3不為1 -.-。
(2) 未必是L H的input形式,有可能是H L。
但output還是要用L H的形式。 =.=
/* ACM 371 Ackermann Functions * mythnc * 2011/11/30 08:23:02 * run time: 0.128 */ #include <stdio.h> #define SWAP(X, Y, T) T = X, X = Y, Y = T typedef struct max { int index, value; } Max; Max cal(int, int); int count(long long); int main(void) { int i, j, tmp; Max m; while (scanf("%d %d", &i, &j) && i != 0) { if (i > j) SWAP(i, j, tmp); m = cal(i, j); printf("Between %d and %d, %d generates the longest sequence of %d values.\n", i, j, m.index, m.value); } return 0; } /* cal: find the big cycle len, and return it */ Max cal(int small, int big) { int i, tmp; Max m; m.index = small; m.value = count(small); for (i = small + 1; i <= big && i > 0; i++) { tmp = count(i); if (m.value < tmp) { m.index = i; m.value = tmp; } } return m; } /* count: count the numbers of value n to 1 */ int count(long long n) { int c; if (n == 1) return 3; for (c = 0; n != 1; c++) if (n % 2 == 0) n >>= 1; /* n /= 2 */ else n = n * 3 + 1; return c; }