10 -> 2,找1的次數,
16 -> 10 -> 2,找1的次數。
/* ACM 10019 Funny Encryption Method * mythnc * 2011/11/07 11:36:18 * run time: 0.004 */ #include <stdio.h> int dectobin(int); int hextodec(int); int main(void) { int m; scanf("%*d"); while (scanf("%d", &m) == 1) printf("%d %d\n", dectobin(m), dectobin(hextodec(m))); return 0; } /* dectobin: dec number to binary number, * return 1's times */ int dectobin(int m) { int r, count; count = 0; while (m) { r = m % 2; if (r) count++; m /= 2; } return count; } /* hextodec: return the number in hex */ int hextodec(int m) { int h, r, times, i; h = times = 0; while (m) { r = m % 10; for (i = 0; i < times; i++) r *= 16; h += r; times++; m /= 10; } return h; }