例如bwrwb可能是1 3 1或2 1 2。
/* ID: mythnc2 LANG: C TASK: Beads Broken Necklace 2011/10/27 11:41:05 */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #define MAXARY 360 typedef struct record{ int count; char *head, *tail; } Record; int firstlen(char *); void movefirst(char *, int); char *len(char *, Record *, int *); int backward(char *); int maxvalue(Record *, int); int pairs(Record *, Record); int reverse(char *, char *); int main(void) { FILE *fin, *fout; char bead[MAXARY]; char *move; Record rec[MAXARY]; int n, i, step; fin = fopen("beads.in", "r"); fout = fopen("beads.out", "w"); fscanf(fin, "%d", &n); fscanf(fin, "%s", bead); if ((i = firstlen(bead)) == n) { /* one color */ fprintf(fout, "%d\n", i); return 0; } else movefirst(bead, i); for (move = bead, i = 0; *move; i++) { move = len(move, &rec[i], &step); if (step) i++; } if (i < 3) fprintf(fout, "%d\n", rec[0].count + rec[1].count); else fprintf(fout, "%d\n", maxvalue(rec, i)); return 0; } /* firstlen: count the first length * also use this function to count w length */ int firstlen(char *bead) { int i; i = 0; /* if first char is w, skip over it */ while (bead[i] == 'w') i++; if (bead[i] == '\0') /* all beads is w color */ return i; if (bead[i] == 'b') while (bead[i] == 'b' || bead[i] == 'w') i++; else while (bead[i] == 'r' || bead[i] == 'w') i++; return i; } /* movefirst: rearrange string bead, * move the first len to last */ void movefirst(char *bead, int n) { int i; char tmp[n]; strncpy(tmp, bead, n); for (i = 0; bead[i + n] != '\0'; i++) bead[i] = bead[i + n]; bead[i] = '\0'; strncat(bead, tmp, n); } /* len: count the len of each color bead * and return the position after count */ char *len(char *move, Record *rec, int *step) { int wcount; char *w; wcount = rec->count = *step = 0; rec->head = move; if (*move == 'b') while (*move == 'b' || *move == 'w') { if (*move == 'w' && wcount == 0) { wcount = firstlen(move); w = move; } rec->count++; move++; } else /* color r */ while (*move == 'r' || *move == 'w') { if (*move == 'w' && wcount == 0) { wcount = firstlen(move); w = move; } rec->count++; move++; } if (wcount > rec->count) { *step = 1; rec->count -= backward(move); /* corrected count */ move = w + wcount; /* corrected position */ rec->tail = w; (++rec)->count = wcount; /* the next count value */ rec->head = w; } rec->tail = move; return move; } /* backward: backward pointer to find previous color, * which is not w color return the backward steps */ int backward(char *back) { int count; count = 0; while (*--back == 'w') count++; return count; } /* maxvalue: find the max element * if max is not only one, judge them sequentially * return the biggest count of this element * and its adjacence */ int maxvalue(Record *rec, int n) { int i, max, count, tmp; int index[MAXARY]; for (max = i = 0; i < n; i++) if (rec[max].count < rec[i].count) max = i; /* find the number of max */ for (count = i = 0; i < n; i++) if (rec[max].count == rec[i].count) index[count++] = i; for (max = i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (index[i] == 1) tmp = pairs(&rec[n - 1], rec[2]) + rec[0].count; else if (index[i] == 0) tmp = pairs(&rec[n - 2], rec[1]) + rec[0].count; else if (index[i] == n - 1) tmp = pairs(&rec[n - 3], rec[0]) + rec[n - 1].count; else tmp = pairs(&rec[index[i] - 2], rec[index[i] + 1]) + rec[index[i]].count; if (tmp > max) max = tmp; } return max; } /* pairs: recalculate pre and next len * return the largest */ int pairs(Record *pre, Record next) { int pv, nv; nv = firstlen(next.head); pv = reverse(pre->head, pre[1].tail); return nv > pv ? nv : pv; } /* reverse: reverse the beads before max, * recalulate it's len and return it */ int reverse(char *head, char *tail) { char seq[MAXARY]; char *move; int i; for (i = 0, move = tail - 1; move > head - 1; move--) seq[i++] = *move; seq[i] = '\0'; return firstlen(seq); }