/* ACM 612 * mythnc * 2011/10/24 19:32:54 * run time: 0.092 */ #include <stdio.h> #define LEN 50 #define MAX 100 int dna(char *pt); int sum_unsorted(char *pt); void sort_dna(char (*pt)[LEN + 1], int *record, int n); int main(void) { int set, len, n, i, line; char ary[MAX][LEN + 1]; int record[MAX]; line = 0; scanf("%d", &set); while (set--) { if (line == 1) printf("\n"); scanf("%d %d", &len ,&n); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) scanf("%s", ary[i]); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) record[i] = dna(ary[i]); sort_dna(ary, record, n); line = 1; } return 0; } /* dna: find the sorted degree of each dna * return degrees */ int dna(char *pt) { int sum; sum = 0; while (*pt) switch (*pt) { case 'C': case 'G': case 'T': sum += sum_unsorted(pt); case 'A': pt++; } return sum; } /* sum: sum the unsorted number of each dna * and return it */ int sum_unsorted(char *pt) { int sum; char *pt_m; sum = 0; pt_m = pt; while (*++pt_m) if (*pt_m < *pt) sum++; return sum; } /* sort_dna: find the tiniest record to largest * then print the mapping pt sequentially */ void sort_dna(char (*pt)[LEN + 1], int *record, int n) { int min, i; while (1) { for (min = i = 0; i < n; i++) if (record[i] < record[min]) min = i; if (record[min] == 2000) break; printf("%s\n", pt[min]); record[min] = 2000; } }