從vertex 1開始走訪,
若有就繼續走,走到edge == 9即可。
話說關於graph的問題我都用adjancency list去做,
從來沒用過adjancency martix,在這裡,
看到人家用adjancency martix的解法……真是為之驚嘆!
看來我殺雞用牛刀,開太空梭買菜了 -_-。
但是要紀錄的是edge,走訪到第九層就做output + return即可。
偉哉adjancency martix!
/* ACM 291 The House Of Santa Claus * mythnc * 2012/01/13 18:53:08 * run time: 0.004 */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define MAXEDGE 8 #define MAXNODE 6 /* Node 0~5 */ typedef struct node { /* pos: edge position */ int pos, node; struct node *next; } Node; typedef enum {FALSE = 0, TRUE} bool; void init(int, int, int); void backtrack(int, int); void freeg(void); Node *g[MAXNODE] = {NULL}; /* record edge is visited or not */ bool visited[MAXEDGE]; char output[MAXEDGE + 1]; int main(void) { int i; init(1, 2, 0); init(2, 1, 0); init(1, 3, 1); init(3, 1, 1); init(1, 5, 2); init(5, 1, 2); init(2, 3, 3); init(3, 2, 3); init(2, 5, 4); init(5, 2, 4); init(3, 4, 5); init(4, 3, 5); init(3, 5, 6); init(5, 3, 6); init(4, 5, 7); init(5, 4, 7); output[0] = 1 + '0'; backtrack(1, 1); freeg(); return 0; } /* init: initialize graph */ void init(int v1, int v2, int pos) { Node *pt, *tmp; tmp = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node)); tmp->next = NULL; tmp->node = v2; tmp->pos = pos; if (g[v1] == NULL) { g[v1] = tmp; return; } pt = g[v1]; while (pt->next != NULL) pt = pt->next; pt->next = tmp; } /* backtrack: use backtracking method to output answer */ void backtrack(int index, int node) { Node *pt; int pos; if (index == MAXEDGE + 1) { output[index] = '\0'; printf("%s\n", output); return; } for (pt = g[node]; pt; pt = pt->next) { pos = pt->pos; node = pt->node; if (!visited[pos]) { visited[pos] = TRUE; output[index] = node + '0'; backtrack(index + 1, node); visited[pos] = FALSE; } } } /* freeg: free all graph node */ void freeg(void) { Node *pt, *tmp; int i; for (i = 0; i < MAXNODE; i++) { pt = g[i]; while (pt != NULL) { tmp = pt; pt = pt->next; free(tmp); } } }